About Us
Halal Certification
The global demand for Halal products is increasing. In Canada, there are more and more Muslim consumers every year that require products that follow Halal norms and standards.
These products need to be safe from contamination and non-halal substances. The only way to prove such compliance is with Halal Certification.
How We Can Help
The Qur’an has numerous rules instructing Muslims to choose and consume wholesome food. In the selection of food and drink…
Halal certification and supervision over food production is more frequently observed by the Muslim community at large both in Canada and the USA…
HMCA is member of the World Halal Food Council (WHFC) and a global Halal certifier accredited by JAKIM (Malaysia), BPJPH (Indonesia), and MUIS (Singapore).
Learn more
Frequently Asked Questions Halal Meat, Halal Certification, Alcohol, Shortening, Gelatin, Animal Derivatives…